New Build Interior Design Ideas

New build interior design London

If you followed this buying a new build house checklist, then the practicality and functionality of your home are already secure. The next step to take now is learning how to decorate a new build home.

Home designing can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to start. After all, everything in your space has to blend in seamlessly with one another while still reflecting your own unique sense of style and individuality.

With that said, here is some advice on decorating a new build property which will allow you to turn your new house into a place you can call home.

New Build House Designs: Decorating Advice for Your New Home

While decorating a new build home can be intimidating, it also provides you with the perfect blank canvas on which you can express who you are and what you’re like. Show your friends, family, and even visitors who you are through your new house decoration.

Modern pop art in a new build house

1. Find a style that truly reflects who you are

Before starting the decorating process, you should know how you want your new home to look and feel like. Not only should the end results be aesthetically pleasing but they should also be an accurate representation of your unique individuality.

Ask yourself how you want your new home to feel like and what kind of interior design can help you feel more at home. Don’t know where to start? Scour the internet for new build decorating ideas. Sites like Instagram and Pinterest, as well as old-fashioned magazines, are great resources for design ideas.

Collect various images, samples of materials you can use, as well as textures that can serve as inspiration for your new home’s interior design.

Define your style before you start. Not only will this help you and your interior decorator out during the actual decorating process but it will also allow you to become more realistic about how you want your new living space to look. 

While going for a vintage, bohemian-inspired aesthetic may be great in theory, it won’t work if it’s not something you will be ultimately comfortable with. 

Leather sofa in a new build home

2. Don’t be afraid to experiment

Once you have defined the style you want for your new space, it’s time to plan the details. While defining your style before starting is a crucial step, this doesn’t mean you cannot experiment or play around with the said style.

After all, that’s the great thing about new build homes. They provide you with the perfect opportunity to shed any preconceived design concepts and allow you to start with a clean slate. New builds allow you to design each and every room according to your needs and preferences, down to every last detail.

Start with the layout of your home first. Get a feel for where everything will go by creating a rough draft of your home’s floor plan. After this, define the placement of your furniture, assigning where each one will go.

Start with the large furniture first such as the bed, sofa, or dining table and then position the other smaller furniture around them as they’re the main focus of each room.

Vases and flowers in a new build home

3. Add touches of colour to your space using decorative items

Even if you’re going for a sleek and modern look for your new-build home or apartment, adding touches of colour can help brighten any room. Do this by adding artwork, vases, and even plants to help add texture and colour to your space.

They can help make your new-build home feel more homely and inviting. Just make sure that they blend well with the room’s paint and overall aesthetic. Creating a mood board beforehand can help you stay true to your desired outcome. 

Vases and flowers in a new build home

4. Work with the lighting 

More than the paint, more than the decorative finishes, lighting can make a huge difference in how your space looks and feels. Lighting can be the defining trait that makes or breaks the look you’re trying to achieve.

Another great thing about new builds is that you can choose the type of lighting you want and need for each room. This is especially helpful because lighting falls under three different categories, namely:
a. Ambient lighting - This tries to replicate daylight and provides illumination for the whole space.

b. Accent lighting - Its aim is to highlight certain aspects of your space, providing it with increased emphasis.

c. Focused tas lighting  - This type is used for when you need to focus on certain activities.

Aside from this, you can also add lamps and other kinds of lighting to further help illuminate your space. Whatever lighting you decide on can help make your space feel more inviting and homely.

Layering your lighting can also help add more depth and a cosier ambience to your home, especially in rooms like the living room and the kitchen. 

New build house clever built-in storage ideas

5. Maximise your space with innovative storage solutions

Boost the practicality of your home with innovative storage solutions. With older homes, having enough storage space is often a problem because people back then had less clothing and other items than what we have now.

Moreover, aside from making your home look neater and well-organized, having enough storage can also offer plenty of benefits, especially when it comes to maintaining your good health.

Swap your regular bathroom mirror for a sleek and stylish mirrored cabinet. If you’re working with new build contractors, work with them to add built-in storage to your bedroom or other areas so they blend in seamlessly with the rest of your home.

Customised storage solutions also offer you the change to personalise it according to your specific needs and wants. Keep your living space neat and orderly with innovative storage 

Luxury rug in a new build home

6. Use rugs or carpets to add interest to your floors

If you bought your new build home, then you might not have had any say when it comes to the flooring. Rather than undergoing a long and expensive renovation to change them to your preference, why not utilize rugs or carpets to add something extra to your floors?

Rugs and/or carpets are a great way to add some colour, warmth, and texture to your floor without spending a lot to renovate them. It can also help soften the acoustics of your room, especially if you have wooden floors. You can choose ones that reflect and highlight your individuality. A large rug or carpet will bring the room together while smaller ones will break up the area. 

Entrance door and hallway in a new build house in London

7. Set expectations and the tone of your home with your front door

Before your guests see the interior, you can set their expectations about how your home would look like with your front door. If your new build home has a standard door, you can opt to switch it with a door model that showcases who you are.

Your front door is like the first impression when meeting people -- it can set how people will react to your interior decor once they get inside. Installing a new door can make a huge difference to how people will view your home.

Don’t want to install a new door? No problem. You can opt to paint it a fun, vibrant, and glossy colour to help welcome your guests to your house.

Light textured wallpaper and paint in a new build home

8. Paint your walls with light and more neutral colours 

Sticking to neutral colours like white, grey, or beige is a good idea if you want versatility in your decor. Light and neutral colours can blend well with any decoration, allowing you to switch up your furniture and other decorations without having to repaint your walls every time you do so.

Moreover, these colours can help prevent feelings of being overwhelmed and allow for a smooth transition between rooms. This is especially important for the ground or first floor because you would want something that promotes flow. This prevents overwhelming transitions from one room to another. 

Bright living room in a new house

9. Arrange your living room furniture so it “invites” interaction

To have an ideal living room, where you will be spending most of the time, arrange your living room furniture in a way that each one is facing each other, either in a U-shape or H-shape, allows for a more intimate, inviting, and cosy atmosphere as it “invites” conversation and interaction.
This will make your living space seem warmer and more homely as the arrangement will be conducive to more face-to-face interactions.

Don’t make the mistake of pushing the furniture against the walls, though. Many people do this as they believe this will make their living space look larger but doing so will actually do the opposite. 

Large windows in a new kitchen extension

10. Minimise your window decorations

Opting for sheer curtains over heavy drapes will allow your space to look more elegant and simple. It will also allow more sunlight to come in, effectively brightening up the room and saving on energy costs.

Go for lightweight fabrics for your curtains such as linen, cotton, and silk as they hang better and are more aesthetically pleasing.

You can also opt for unadorned windows to let more sun in but make sure that your walls’ paint is light and won’t fade with the increased exposure. 

Round wall mirror in a new build house

11. Consider adding mirrors to your home’s rooms

If you want to brighten up your new home further, consider adding mirrors to each room. Mirrors will bounce the light around the area, giving the appearance that your living space is brighter.

However, make sure to hang them perpendicular to your windows as hanging them across them will only bounce the light back outside, defeating the purpose. 

Unlike old homes, new build houses offer a clean slate, especially in terms of interior design, because they don’t have the same established design options. This makes them great if you’re looking for somewhere to call your own.  

While it can be daunting at first, decorating your new build home can also be fun and exciting as you get to customise it according to your preference. You can opt to decorate your new home yourself or hire someone to help you with it.  

Many home building companies such as Marriott Construction have design and build packages that include interior design services you can avail of.  

Whichever option you go for, it’s undeniable how decorating your new home is worthwhile, especially once you see the fruits of your efforts and have somewhere you can consider home.  

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